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Starlita Kilpatrick

BHM Spotlight: Children’s Books Written By Black Women Authors

Growing up I was a book geek! From as early as I could read, I would always have my head buried in a book, often reading multiple books in a sitting. I have passed my love of books to my own children, who also enjoy reading or listening to a good story. However, one thing that I realized is that there weren’t many books that featured characters that looked like my children. So over the years, I’ve been on a quest to identify the books that not only featured Black/Brown children in a positive light but also were written by Black/Brown authors. (I will write up a post that lists all of the ones we have in our library and wish list, but for now, you can also see some of them in my Amazon Store.) To celebrate Black History Month, I wanted to take a moment to highlight several amazing books by Black Women Authors. What’s even more special about these authors is that they are all homeschooling mamas in the Greater Philadelphia area!

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Top 7 Must-See YouTube Channels for Black Kids & Families

The majority of the educational content on YouTube lacks diversity, especially that of Black characters, culture, and history. We are often left with information about our culture & history being presented through the lens (no pun intended) of White YouTubers who usually do not paint the entire story b/c they were not taught the entire narrative…

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How Mini Christmas Trees Saved The Day!

My kids are at the age where they really want to decorate our big Christmas tree, which is displayed in our living room. I have great memories of helping out with the Christmas decorations when I was a child and I definitely want my kids to also have these kinds of memories.

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