Have you heard of the myth that “breastfeeding is the only way to bond with your baby”? Many times we hear this message verbally and even non-verbally from mamas who solely boast about “the eternal bliss and joys of breastfeeding”. Meanwhile for many mamas, whether a new mom or experienced, they sit struggling with latch, lack of milk production, or even overproduction and a letdown that is “out of this world!” I’m sure you’ve been there. Maybe while at a Mommy & Me class or your favorite restaurant, you heard a Bragging Mama loudly gloat about all of these things. As a result, at that moment you felt as if you’re not doing a great job of bonding with your baby because you are having some issues with breastfeeding. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps the myth came from other Mama Friends who told you that you might be missing out on something. Regardless of the source, this is called “mom shaming”, and that’s a whole other story! Either way, these are all LIES. Please don’t believe them, Mama. You are doing amazing as a Mama, your baby is doing well, and breastfeeding is not the only way to bond with your baby.
To be honest, I’m so glad that there are other ways to bond with your baby. With all of the other hours you are interacting with them, it would be nice to know that you are bonding with them then too, right? Besides, if babies only responded to breastfeeding as a means of feeling closeness and familiarity, what about the other people in their lives who do not have the task of feeding them? Do they not deserve an opportunity to bond with sweet little baby too? Of course they do!

Okay, let’s put an end to this myth. Here are some of the other ways you can bond with your baby (and have loads of fun too!):
Other Types of Feeding and Meal Times
like bottle feeding (with formula or breastmilk), chestfeeding, table feeding (older babies). During any mealtime is a great time to bond with your little one because you typically have their undivided attention. You can combine many of these next points during your mealtime bonding.
Depending on the age of your baby, they may or may not be able to talk back to you or even understand everything you’re saying to them, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t talk to them. In fact, not only does talking with your baby promote bonding but it also encourages them to also communicate. Some things you could do are telling them your name, telling them their name, or talking about what they are drinking or eating if it’s breastfeeding or mealtime.
Baby Sign Language
Not only is talking with your baby a great way to bond with them, but so is using baby sign language. Baby sign language encourages bonding between parent and baby because it helps communication to occur a little more easily when your child is not developmentally ready to speak.
Babies love playtime! You can bond with your baby while playing with their favorite toys, or even playing games like “peekaboo” or tickling tiny toes.
Sometimes the act of carrying your baby in a baby carrier gets overlooked as a means of bonding between parent and child. Babywearing is an amazing way to bond with your baby! Babywearing promotes closeness and comfort between the baby (or big kid) and the wearer.
Hugs and cuddles are great ways to bond with your baby! This is another way that closeness and comfort are promoted.

Baby Massage
The closeness and comfort experience through baby massage is a great way to bond with your baby. During a gentle massage, you could incorporate other things on this list to promote even more closeness.
Eye Contact
The mere act of looking into your baby’s eyes can give them a sense of peace and security as they become more and more familiar with you and as your relationship grows stronger.
Music Fun
Music is such a great medium for bonding over, whether you are singing or dancing to music. Making music with toy instruments is also a fun way to bond with your baby. Bonding over fun activities is always great and even helps for memories to be made. Babies enjoy fun, happy, bounces and dancing will provide this and more! There are many music-themed Mommy & Me classes that you and your baby could attend together.
Reading A Story
This one may seem very similar to talking, but if you’ve ever attended a storytime, you know that there is more to it than just listening to a story. Depending on the story, and how wild of an imagination you have, storytime can be filled with much interactive fun! Simply changing your voice for different characters can be very appealing to your baby’s ears and other senses! Here’s a fun idea: Use finger or hand puppets while storytelling. This will truly bring the story to life!
As you can see, there are many ways to bond with your baby, including during breastfeeding. Which of these are you and your baby’s favorite? Are there other ways that you have bonded with your baby? Tell us more about it! You might just give another mama a great idea!
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